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Femi Blance

3,980JY(incl. tax)

NET:135 tablets

JAN code:4589789880097

Femi Blance

[Nutritional Information (per 3 capsules)]
(Note: Amount of ingredients as used in the formulation)

Soy Extract (Aglycone-type Isoflavones 80%) – 25mg/day (per 3 capsules)
Chaste Tree Powder – 20mg/day (per 3 capsules)
Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder (K T-11) – 50mg (2 billion CFU)/day (per 3 capsules)

Reduced Maltose Syrup (Domestic Production), Inulin, Powdered Isomalt Oligosaccharide (Isomalt Oligosaccharide, Dextrin), Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder (Dextrin, Lactic Acid Bacteria), Maca Extract Powder (Maca Extract, Dextrin), Soy Isoflavone Extract, Agni Extract, Powdered Processing of Sago Palm Fruit, Ginseng Extract, Pomegranate Peel Extract Powder, Ginger Extract Powder / Cellulose, Calcium Stearate, Microcrystalline Silica
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